Peninsula Private Hospital — Hospital in Kippa Ring

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Peninsula Private Hospital

Hospital at Corner George & Florence Streets, Kippa-Ring QLD 4021, Australia, Kippa Ring, Queensland, 4021 . Here you will find detailed information about Peninsula Private Hospital: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 5 reviews


Corner George & Florence Streets, Kippa-Ring QLD 4021, Australia, Kippa Ring, Queensland, 4021
Kippa Ring

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About Peninsula Private Hospital

Peninsula Private Hospital is a Australian Hospital based in Kippa Ring, Queensland. Peninsula Private Hospital is located at Corner George & Florence Streets, Kippa-Ring QLD 4021, Australia,

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Reviews of Peninsula Private Hospital

  • Elijah
    Added 2016.01.22
    We are not happy at all with the stay our mother had in this hospital. Whilst most of the nursing staff ,discharge nurse and front reception were all lovely thats where it stops. Our mum went in to the rehab ward first to get her ready for a shoulder op after a short stay in the public hospital. Until then this lady was mobile, even doing her own shopping etc. Now after nearly 6 weeks at this hospital, she is a pathetic frail little old lady who now cannot even help herself out of bed. She now is totally dependent on others for everything. She has grade 2 pressure sores, had a couple of different infections such as chest and bladder ,during her stay as well. And it seems to us that the focus was more on her shoulder which was going well and not too worried about her getting up and walking and getting some circulation going as soon as possible.. Although she has a bad foot and standing could be a little difficult the most important thing is to be up and getting moving, not lying or just sitting losing muscle tone very quickly. The effort that was put in to get her up was too little too late and then they decided that they cant do any more so put her in a medical ward where getting her up was not an option anymore. As for the assigned doctor..well what can I say. He would have to be the rudest and most tactless , most uncaring doctor I have ever encountered. While we were visiting my mother ,he came along at my mothers request to tell us what was going on. He walked in with barely an acknowledgement to any of us and straight up says.."Well what you see is what you get. She could walk before the op and now she can't. She can't go back to her home just put her in a nursing home. Thats all !!!" We could not beleive someone could speak like that in front of her. We had to get her out of this place.She was going downhill and was very depressed and losing her appetite and thinking she was never getting out of there. She hated being there and said so many times so it was time to just get her out. The weeks just kept rolling by and being a private hospital, there would be a financial problem to add in to this worry. I might add that she was not in a private room but a room with 3 others. She is home back at Seasons now with all nursing and equipment in place and we couldn't be happier. She came home under nourished, immobile, got dreadful pressure sores and is on medications she never was before. Not only that, and only to make matters worse, I had got her $150 out of the bank so that she need not worry about having some cash..well sadly to rub salt into the wounds..that disappeared as well. I guess that is my fault as I should have not left cash there without it being put in the hospital safe.She and anyone else we know, will definitley never go back to this hospital.No doubt after reading this there will be some flack from the hospital but truly, this is what has happened and no matter what the hospital says cannot make things better. Nursing staff, although caring can only do what they are directed to do in the time allocated. They are busy of course but in a private hospital, you would expect a little more attention to very important details.
  • Patrick
    Added 2015.04.21
    Thankfully I was able to transfer my husband out of this hospital. I'd planned to report this hospital to my private health fund for the way they treated my husband. My husband passed so I was in no condition to report anything to anyone. If someone ever mentions this hospital to me I relay my husband's terrible experience. It still makes me shudder. My gift to my husband in his last few weeks was getting him out of this hospital and into a proper private hospital. They don't even deserve one star.
  • Jake
    Added 2015.04.18
    My husband had surgery at this hospital and was treated exceptionally well from all staff from the moment he arrived. Thank you so much for taking care of him and treating him with that special care, everyone did a great job of easing his nerves. An excellent hospital that provides a family feel when you walk in the door, people care for you which is what we loved and made us feel comfortable
  • Nicholas
    Added 2014.03.04
    I’m only 13 and I went in for my first ever surgery today to get some teeth taken out and as you can imagine I’d be a bit nervous. A few days prior to coming to the hospital I started reading some of these reviews and all I can say is, people are pretty quick to judge. Some of the negative reviews I’ve seen were absolutely insane. The staff treated me so well and made sure I had no further questions and were very patient with me in recovery. The nurse I had in pre op. was very lovely and got me to a bed straight away and had no trouble starting conversation to keep me calm. She acted like she cared and I was treated like that by all of the doctors, all in all great people and great service. ( P.S. If you ever go there and get Crystal or Tim, you’re in luck! :) )
  • Aaron
    Added 2014.02.01
    An absolutely amazing hospital with exceptional staff. It is such a friendly environment and they offer wonderful care. I was so comfortable throughout my whole admission. Thank you Peninsula Private.
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